適合膚質:所有膚質, 尤其敏感, 暗瘡, 缺水, 老化及乾燥肌膚

您的膠原蛋白精華有效嗎? 一般膠原蛋白精華膠原分子太大, 皮膚根本不能吸收。儘管能夠吸收亦不能夠刺皮膚生產激膠原蛋白, 很快就會被代謝。因此膠原蛋白精華能夠抗衰老是美容產品一大繆誤。
要激活皮膚製造膠原蛋白, 一定要透過維他命A等活性成分喚醒基底母細胞。因此維他命A往往是抗老產品的黃金標準。但是維他命A精華有一定的刺激性, 一些比較敏感的皮膚會顧慮使用初期的泛紅, 乾燥, 脫皮等問題。

CELLRENEW®揉合ClearStem™專利膠原蛋白及植物幹細胞。膠原蛋白能夠為皮膚即時減少水分流失, 提升皮膚飽滿度及細緻皮膚。而植物幹細胞能夠喚醒皮膚細胞, 刺激皮膚分裂, 製造更多新細胞, 同時正真製造更多膠原蛋白。再配合透明質酸及維他命B5等補濕成分吸收環境及其他產品的水分, 為皮膚即時打造水潤細嫩質感。CELLRENEW®適合所有膚質, 從油性到乾燥肌; 暗瘡肌到衰老肌都是必要的保濕精華。
1. 使用前先搖勻,我們不適用垃圾填充劑或結合劑,因此會出現自然分離現象。
2. 潔面後,取2-3泵CELLrenew塗抹於整個臉部。輕輕按摩皮膚約30秒。按摩動作對獲得最佳效果非常理想-促進循環增強癒合!適用於全臉、嘴唇和頸部,但不可用於眼皮。仔細聆聽你的皮膚輕聲表示“謝謝”。
- 即時大量補充水分
- 即時飽滿肌膚, 減淡細紋及收細毛孔
- 持續使用刺激細胞製造, 激活膠原自生
- 修復受環境及紫外線破壞的細胞
- 抗氧化劑消炎
- 協助傷口及疤痕癒合
可在Derm-Mart (中環)
通常會在 24 小時內準備就緒
We understand that creating your custom size can feel daunting. But not to worry, it's actually quite easy and completely risk-free. If you're not 100% happy with your fit, we'll remake your first shirt from scratch free of charge or give your money back.
They appreciate cut and details, things that aren't so obvious.
What payment methods can I use?
We offer 35 different payment methods including major providers like Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, American Express and Diners as well as many different local payment methods including Klarna, iDEAL, AliPay, Sofort, giropay, and many more.
Can I purchase items with another currency?
Yes, you may select a currency based on your personal preference. When you select your country in the country selector on the upper right of the website or are taken directly to your country’s version of the website, you will see prices listed in the regional currency.
Can I make changes to my order after it’s been placed?
We do everything we can to fulfill orders quickly and unfortunately cannot make updates after an order has been placed. These changes include removing or adding products and/or changing the delivery address. If a mistake has been made with your order information, it’s quickest to create a new order with the correct information and then let our Customer Service.
Do you offer e-gift cards for international customers?
E-gift cards are only available to customers shipping within the U.S.
How Do I Set Up A Subscription Order?
We will deliver products to you as soon as reasonably possible. Orders are usually dispatched between 1-3 days from the date of the order being placed. Please contact us our customer service team if your delivery has not been received within the dates described.
How To Return My Items?
We do not currently offer free returns to overseas customers. You will therefore need to cover all costs of returning any items to us yourself. We advise that you mark your package ‘returned goods’ to avoid further duties. Remember: We strongly recommend that you return any items via a registered trackable service and obtain and retain proof of posting as we do not accept responsibility for items that fail to arrive with us.